This solution has following advantages:
- Unlimited number of rows and columns which can be added dynamically (for example while scrolling)
- Account Schedule Overview page has more user-friendly design (everything is on one page, less actions for the same result)
- Ability to hide pane with settings
- Better layout of columns (autosize)
- Possibility to adjust appearance according to customer's need with wide tool set of .NET
Going to technical side
Basically enhanced Account Schedule Overview Page Consist of following controls:
Core function on the page is MakeXML() which builds XML structure of data to display and writes it to BigInterger variable of Add-in control so the Value (XML) is passed to processing methods which displays dynamics matrix. When MakeXML builds it's resulting XML all the Options on the page are processed in the same way as on standard Account Schedule Overview page.
You can find demo of the functionality here. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you have. Feedback is welcome too :)